Jaith Vindinu


Star Critical Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in trip.com Star

Vulnerability description

functionality of uk.trip.com. This vulnerability allows the injection and execution of
arbitrary JavaScript code, potentially compromising user sessions and exposing
sensitive data.


This XSS vulnerability poses a severe risk as it allows an attacker to execute arbitrary JavaScript code within a user’s browser session. This could lead to various attacks, including data theft, session hijacking, and the potential for spreading malware or phishing.

Affected components

The XSS vulnerability was identified in the search bar functionality of uk.trip.com.
Screenshot 2024-06-23 143430


To avoid Cross-Site Scripting (XXS) vulnerabilities in web applications, it is crucial to implement a combination of input validation and output encoding practices. First, validate and sanitize all user inputs to ensure they conform to expected patterns and formats, using strict whitelisting and libraries designed for sanitization. Next, apply context-appropriate encoding before displaying user-generated content on web pages, such as HTML encoding with functions like htmlspecialchars() in PHP or html.escape() in Python, and JavaScript encoding with JSON.stringify(). Additionally, leverage security libraries and frameworks that offer built-in protection against XXS. Regularly update and patch your software, and conduct thorough security testing to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities. By adhering to these practices, you can significantly reduce the risk of XXS attacks on your web applications.